24 May 2008

Tricky thing, memory

I was talking to my Mum on the phone today about my 'how I got into stitching' post, and apparently it wasn't her who got me started, it was my Grandma (Dad's Mum)

Mum did do stitchery, but hers was all machine based, it was my Grandma who taught me hand sewing. It's funny really, because all my memories of crafting with Grandma are of making jewellery with melon seeds, and pictures out of dried flowers. I'm not sure how long the jewellery lasted, but I know some of my pressed flower pictures were still hanging on the wall when she died, which was only a few years ago, and I made them when I was little.

I'm pretty sure she also taught me to knit, just the basics, knit and purl, cast on and cast off, but I can still do it.

Mum does still have the glasses case, although she's not sure where, I'll have to ask her to see if she can find it and get a picture for me.

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